Quick Facts

Philip j fEFFER

…but everyone calls me PJ


Georgetown University Law Center, 2015

CUNY Hunter College, 2010

Vice Chair, Fairfax Planning Commission

Community Representative, Marin County Priorities Setting Committee

Member, RVSD Budget Advisory Sub-Committee

Public Service:

Parent to:

Evelyn, 6yo in first grade at Manor Elementary

Elliott, 2.5yo

Lives in:

Marinda Oaks, Fairfax


New York City


Black, Jewish


Chess, reading, puzzles, watch repair & modding

Favorite Ross Valley Coffee Spot:

Java Hut - I’m there most weekend mornings with my kids

Favorite local Events:

Fairfax Festival Parade, Slowminga Halloween Trick-or-Treating, San Anselmo On The Ave

Last Movie Seen in a Theater:

Inside Out 2