Philip j. feffer

High-quality, public education is essential. It’s not only a moral obligation to provide all children the opportunity to learn in a safe, nurturing environment – it also makes good common sense: educated children become adults who create scientific breakthroughs, make political progress, and empathize with different cultures and backgrounds.

My oldest attends Manor, and I am delighted by the care and instruction provided by her teachers. They inspire students’ curiosity, compassion and critical thinking. Our teachers are, by all accounts, real-life magicians - but that magic is at risk: RVSD educators are woefully underpaid, and it’s not because RVSD can’t afford to pay them more. As a member of the RVSD Budget Advisory Committee, I utilized skills I’ve honed as an attorney to evaluate the minutiae of the financial projections of the RVSD Board, and I voiced my disagreement with the current Board’s conclusions. We can and should pay our teachers a living wage, and as a Board Member I will work tirelessly to that end.

I have been an attorney working on large, multinational transactions since 2015, so I know how to scrutinize complicated financial information. I have been committed to community involvement since I moved back here with my wife in 2019, first on the Marin Countywide Priorities Setting Committee and now as Vice Chair of the Fairfax Planning Commission, so I have experience representing the community, as well as reviewing reports from and providing guidance to local municipal staff. Most importantly, I am and will be a dad in this district for the next 12 years, so I have a personal stake in the health of our schools.

I would be honored to have your support.

Candidate for Ross Valley School District Board of Trustees


Public School is Essential


Budget Management

open dialogue

pushing for better possibilities

Evidence Based Education

Trust Health & Science Experts

Diversity, equity & inclusion matters